Why bring a film production to the region?
There are several reasons why filming can be beneficial for a region (a location):
Economic effects
Depending on the scope of filmingd, there is an economic effect for the location, the region and service providers, such as hotels, restaurants, crafts, trade or residents who can act as extras.
Sustainable effect
In addition to the direct financial economic effect, films can continue to be present in traditional and social media after they have been broadcast and sustain an interest in the locations and thus attract visitors to the region.
Which framework conditions are good for film work?
The choice of a motif is subject to various factors.
An analysis of the filming activities in Filmland Brandenburg has shown that production companies are always happy to return to a region with future productions if they have had good experiences in the region and can rely on a suitable network. Film-friendly framework conditions are therefore becoming more and more important and also play a role in the decision on a location.
Short distances in the approval process and a good network of local contacts make collaboration for everyone involved easier.
Central contact person
Name a central contact person on your website for film work. They should be very easy to reach and have direct contact with other official contact persons in order to ultimately grant approval from a single source. The departments of road traffic, civil engineering, green spaces, environmental and nature protection, etc. should be involved from the start if the location and the measures so require.
Short application deadlines & processing times
It is important that inquiries are processed immediately and that approvals are issued within a maximum of two weeks after the application has been submitted.
How do filmmakers become aware of a location?
If a film was shot at a location, the location is known to location scouts.
Before that happens, you have the following options:
Step by step from the location to the motif
After the trap fell - film tourism re-use
"Harry Potter", "Game of Thrones", "Wallander" or the "Schwarzwaldklinik" - all ideal productions that are suitable for a film touristic re-use.
The following steps must be observed so that filming can also be used for film tourism in your region:
Information about shooting activities
As the central licensing authority, the road traffic licence departments are usually informed of all filming that took place on public roads. In addition, the Medienboard and the BBFC publish the Brandenburg film map every year, which gives an overview of filming activities in the region. Here you can research whether and which productions have already spent days filming in your region or in your location in the past few years.
Film tourism measures
Always consider film and tourism offers in context and use the synergies.
Tip: If you have any questions about the possibilities of film tourism re-use, you are always welcome to contact TMB Tourismus Marketing Brandenburg or the Berlin Brandenburg Film Commission, BBFC - we will be happy to support you.
Approaches for film tourism re-use
There are various approaches to using filming for film tourism purposes.
Here are some examples:
Assessment of the potential of filming
Not all filming works equally well for a film tourism re-use.
You can use the following factors to make an assessment of your project:
In addition, it is advisable to make an analysis that takes into account which tourist and cultural offers already exist in the vicinity of the location. In other words, how is the place equipped in terms of gastronomic and logistical conditions, such as local transport?
Or which tourist attractions can be found on site?
If you are filming extensively and already know that you would like to present film tourism offers afterwards, it is advisable to contact the production department as early as possible in order to clarify usage rights (for image material, backdrops, etc.). In addition, in some cases an appointment on set with representatives of the press during filming might already take place. If you are invited to this, original quotes from actors, producers or the location scout for the location could be recorded during filming, which will be released at the cinema release / broadcast.
Before the theatrical release / broadcast, a motif provider should not publish image or video material without the explicit consent of the production.
If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact the Berlin Brandenburg Film Commission on 0331 7438743 or guide@medienboard.de.