
Please note

To receive filming permits, the forms must be filled out in German. If you need assistance please find a list of production and location manager in our database.



Gemany generally has a nationwide ban in regards to the employment of minors. Therefore, if filming with children is planned, an exceptional permit from the relevant supervisory authority is needed. The production company's head office address determines which supervisory authority is responsible. 

The employer requests exceptional permit and it applies to all listed filming locations. If the area of ​​activity extends over several supervisory districts, all relevant offices should receive a copy of the permit. 

The permit is limited and revocable at any time. It determines the duration and location of employment as well as rest breaks and the maximum hours of presence on set.
It may also contain other terms and conditions.
The exemption permit entails certain costs.

Employment opportunities

  • Children under 3 years:
    Employment of children under 3 years is strictly prohibited.
  • Children from 3 to 6 years:
    Employment is allowed up to 2 hours a day from 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. Official approval requires agreements of parents, school, youth welfare office, and a pediatrician.
  • Children over the age of 6 years and young people up to the end of full-time compulsory education:
    Employment up to 3 hours a day from 8 a.m. to 10 p.m. Official approval requires agreements of parents, school, youth welfare office, and a pediatrician. The time on set for children can be up to 5 hours, working time on set is limited to 3 hours.
  • Official permits are not required for children and young people who have completed compulsory full-time schooling. The regulations of the Youth Employment Protection Act apply. Employment for children who are no longer required to attend school full-time is limited to a maximum of 7 hours per day, on a maximum of 5 days per week, and a maximum of 35 hours per week. Use in music, theater, and other performances as well as direct broadcasts (radio and television) is permitted up to 11 p.m. at the latest and also on Saturdays and Sundays (taking into account the 5 days/week). After the end of the activity, children and young people who are no longer required to attend school full-time may not be employed before they have had at least 14 hours of uninterrupted free time. (§§ 7, 14, 16, 17 JArbSchG)


    A child, for the purpose of the Youth Employment Protection Act, is anyone who is not yet 15 years old.
    A young person for the purpose of this law is someone who is 15 but not yet 18 years old.
    The provisions of the JArbSchG applicable to children apply to young people who are subject to compulsory full-time schooling.

Requirements for an exceptional permit

  • A written declaration from the responsible youth welfare office
  • Agreement of the custodian
  • The presentation of a medical certificate, which is not older than three months on the day the application is submitted
  • Proof that protective measures have been taken
  • Ensuring care and supervision
  • Ensuring the prescribed time off for 14 hours    
  • Ensuring that school progress is not affected

The application must include the following:

  • Name, address, and availability of the employing production company
  • Name and date of birth of the child/adolescent
  • Time and place of employment (exact information about the planned filming time and locations - x days in the period from - to)
  • Brief description of the role, possibly extracts from the script or a complete script (depending on the scope and type of role)
  • Film title/director       
  • Billing address of the applicant
  • Fully completed declaration of consent, where the doctor's signature must not be older than 3 months, and the other declarations should not be older than 6 months

Application deadline

  • The application should be submitted no later than two weeks prior to filming!


Cross-border employment of children

If children residing in Germany are employed abroad, the German Youth Labor Protection Act does not apply. The legal regulations of the country of employment apply (territorial principle).

Since there is Council Directive 94/33/EEC on the protection of young people at work of June 22, 1994 (OJ EC No. L 216, p. 12), which came into force on March 25, 2014, it can be assumed that this applies across Europe. The same restrictions exist regarding working hours and potential risks. You should therefore inquire about the laws applicable in the target country and, if necessary, submit an application there.

If a child from abroad is to be employed in Germany, German laws apply. An application must therefore be submitted and the EV must be enclosed.