Recording and follow-up: Keen to be green: Sustainability in production design and decoration construction - status quo & innovations - 05/07/2024
Link to the recording on YouTube :
Insightful, informative and encouraging! This is the conclusion of the “Keen to be green” event in cooperation with the VSK , on the topic “Sustainability in scene design & decorative construction - status quo & innovations”. The event is now online on the German Film Commissions' YouTube channel.
Below we have summarized the most important impressions and links to the speakers' websites:
- Status quo sustainable production design & decoration construction
The interest and willingness to find long-term and sustainable solutions for the production design departments are present. Nevertheless, usually only the most necessary measures of the ecological standards are implemented. The reasons are varied: not all sustainable material alternatives are known or available, and there is often a lack of financial resources and sufficient time for appropriate research. Continuous development of alternative materials and material reduction help to act sustainably. On the VSK website you will find helpful tips for “Green Filming” with a comprehensive collection of links to providers.
- Wood - much more than just a building material
The mandatory requirement of the ecological standards requires the exclusive use of FSC or PEFC-certified new wood or wood materials from sustainably managed forests. In order to protect forests and avoid deforestation, it is crucial that as little new wood as possible is used as long as possible and often reused.
Click here for the presentation by Dr. Hannes Böttcher (Öko-Institut eV) on wood, climate & sustainability and the website of the Öko-Institut eV
Also interesting: the documentary “How Ikea is plundering the planet” from arte
- Alternative ideas to wooden buildings
Reusing materials is a key to sustainable work. Companies such as “ SpeedSet ” and “ Vectar Sets ” offer systems that complement decorative construction and can provide alternatives, in particular to save the use of large wooden surfaces and, in some cases, to better enable the separation of support and material.
- Recycling cycle - reusing existing resources
A nationwide network of materials can help bring materials, props or buildings into sustainable and manageable circulation. The “ SetBakers ” platform offers both private individuals in the film industry and fundi the opportunity to offer existing items online and to organize the rental or distribution efficiently. Material initiatives such as “ treibgut ” also offer the opportunity to rethink the design of buildings: What materials are already available and how can they be used instead of building new ones?
Click here to be able to immediately use the sharing function on "SetBakers"
Overview of material initiatives in Germany
Our conclusion true to the philosopher Seneca: It is not that there are too few resources that are available, but that there are too many resources that we do not reuse .
Recording and follow-up: Keen to be green: Sustainable power supply on set & base - 03/12/2024
Link to the recording on YouTube :
It was an enriching and encouraging edition of “Keen to be green” on the topic of sustainable power supply on set and base! The event is now online on the German Film Commissions' YouTube channel.
We have briefly summarized the most important findings for you here.
- Fixed power in large cities
The use of grid power from public roads is often not yet feasible as standard for budgetary reasons and sometimes a long lead time. The electricity network providers in Hamburg, Berlin and the Munich city area were able to make initial improvements: through designated electrical service providers, the costs were reduced to €400 - €700 per connection and the lead time was shortened to approx. 10 - 14 days. In Cologne, on the other hand, the lead time is 4 – 5 weeks and the costs are around €1,000 per connection.
- Green(er) generator technologies
The contributions from technology rental companies and manufacturers have shown: There are many green(er) technologies for conventional diesel generators in Germany! But here too there is a lack of budget and sometimes courage to try out alternatives on the set and base. Workshops by the rental companies on how to handle the devices can help reduce the inhibition threshold for use. A corresponding increase in the production budget in order to eliminate what is often the largest source of CO2 on the set is a prerequisite for this.
- Contact person for the technology rental companies and manufacturers
mobilespace (rental company including EcoBaze, self-sufficient mobile with photovoltaic systems) -
Moritz Kromer / Tel.: +49 40 609 40 90 92 / Mail:
Maier Bros. (distributors including Filmhybrid 30/60, Filmhybrid 130) - Paul Hasel / Tel.: +49 341 926 037 0 / Email:
KeMaMa (manufacturer including Filmhybrid 30/60) - Conrad Keuck / Tel.: +49 2271 56 70 260 / Email:
- Experiences from practice
The productions "C'est le monde à l'envers!" from the French Bonne Pioche Productions and "Perfekt missed" from btf GmbH consciously decided on new and sometimes unconventional methods of power supply. This was made possible by the provision the financial resources (e.g. from clients) as well as the conviction and motivation of the entire team.
Broadcast dates:
“C'est le monde à l'envers!” from October 16, 2024 in French cinemas
(German cinema release tba)
“Perfect lost" from summer 2024 on Amazon Prime Video