General information on the forms
Application forms for filming in Berlin and Brandenburg are available for download here. The completed and signed applications can be emailed directly to the relevant authorities.
Please note
To receive filming permits, the forms must be filled out in German. If you need assistance please find a list of production and location managers in our database.
Filming in mini teams
Filming on public streets and grounds
Forms: General filming permit
Forms: Application form road traffic and special use permit
How to:
Filming in public green spaces (including playgrounds)
Filming in protection periods (night filming / filming on Sundays and public holidays - emission protection) - (In German only)
Areal filming
Filming with flashing lights
Filming with children and teeanagers
Filming on public streets and grounds
Special use under road law
Special use civil engineering
Filming with a trailer vehicle
Filming with flashing lights
Filming in public green spaces (including playgrounds)
Link to info page:
Filming in protection periods (night filming / filming on Sundays and public holidays - emission protection)
Areal Filming
Filming with kids and teenagers
Kauperts - Straßenführer Berlin
Kauperts - Berlin Street Guide
Here you can easily find the official jurisdiction of any address in Berlin as well as the districts, police departments, etc.
Berlin Traffic Information Center - VIZ
Berlin Traffic Information Center - VIZ
Official information on current traffic conditions, construction sites and disruptions, restrictions on local public transport, etc.
Geo basic data online - – land survey register with login
Geo basis data online -
Detailed online map tool for Berlin
FIS-Broker ( – detailed online map tool for Berlin
FIS-Broker (
Choose from many card overlays on various topics. Often used as a standard for traffic sign plans:
FIS broker Plannable events ( – construction sites
FIS-Broker Planable Events ( - Construction sites
Here you can see the construction sites/closures currently taking place on public roads and their expected duration.
FIS-Broker street parking spaces within the ring ( – parking spaces
FIS-Broker street parking spaces within the ring ( – parking spaces
Parking zones, loading zones, taxi areas, and special bus lanes for central Berlin are shown here.
FIS-Broker street inspection 2014 ( – power boxes, fire hydrants, street furniture, 2014
FIS-Broker street inspection 2014 ( – power boxes, fire hydrants, street furniture, 2014. Detailed map display (unfortunately a bit outdated).
Digital platform city traffic - Berlin – current traffic jam reports for Berlin
Digital platform city traffic - Berlin - current traffic jam reports for Berlin
Berlin 3D - Download portal – 3D maps and download Berlin
Berlin 3D - Download portal (
Satellite 3D mesh map of Berlin in real-time with a download function – property maps nationwide – property maps nationwide
Geodata Brandenburg
Geodata Brandenburg
This website gives you access to property land registry maps and other topic-related maps.
BRANDENBURGVIEWER ( – Cadastral and geodata Brandenburg
BRANDENBURGVIEWER ( – Cadastral and geodata Brandenburg
ELWIS Viewer ( – Waterways
ELWIS-Viewer ( - Waterways
Display of moorings, locks, exact name of the waterway section, etc.
Protected areas in Germany ( – nature reserves and others in Germany
Protection areas in Germany (
Precise designation of nature reserves, Natura 2000, landscape protection areas, etc. Be sure to take this into account before looking for locations in forests and nature!!
Contacts: authorities